As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Author Guidelines
As you start reading this Guidelines for Authors, we believe that you are willing to submit a manuscript for the upcoming issue of the Journal of Education and Research published by School of Education, Kathmandu University. When submitting your manuscript, please consider that the audience of this Journal is international and range from academics to professionals, researchers, teachers, students as well as others. The JER publishes only the original research articles presenting theoretical/practical discussion of current relevance. We promote localized analysis as well as comparative perspectives. Similarly, we welcome papers that perceive education with an integrative perspective bringing in local, national, regional as well as global contexts. We publish full-length research, opinion and review papers as well as short-notes, reflective notes, book reviews and abstracts of student research works.
All contributions in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous reviewers. The review process may take from two to three months. See the manuscript handling flow chart below.
Legal Requirements
All manuscripts submitted to the JER are strictly assumed that they are not submitted, partly or wholly anywhere else, nor are currently being considered for publication or in process of publication elsewhere. It is also strictly assumed that the manuscripts are not already published fully or partly anywhere, in print or electronic media. Likewise, when authors submit their manuscripts, they declare that their manuscripts are their own writing and that there are no plagiarized texts in any form either from published or unpublished sources. The authors should fully honour others’ copyright.
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the accuracy of facts, information, or the content in their paper. Their paper should not content any illegal, unauthorized, and unethical content. All the ideas, discussion, analysis, conclusions drawn in the paper are solely of the authors and thus they should take all the responsibilities of whatsoever is written in their papers and have nothing to do with the Publisher (the School of Education, Kathmandu University) and the members of the Editorial Team. The School of Education, Kathmandu University and the members of the Editorial Team will not be held responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
Manuscript Preparation
When preparing your manuscript, please consider the following:
General Information
The paper must be in English language and should consist of 5000 to 7000 words including abstracts, references, and notes. All papers should also include an abstract of about 200 words. Likewise, all papers should also have 3-5 keywords, placed immediately below the abstract. Properly linked and appropriately-sized diagrams, pictures, etc. may be included.
Please give particular attention to making your language non-discriminatory in any way. Avoid sexist and racist terms and adhere to basic ethical principles of no harm.
In the case of submissions resulting from student’s work e.g., PhD studies, we usually only accept single authorship. Supervisors might be acknowledged in the article after the submission has been accepted for publishing.
In case copyrighted materials are to be reproduced, it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permission to reproduce the copyrighted materials. Include the copyright permission letter while submitting the paper.
By submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Education and Research, the authors fully agree that the copyright of all published papers remains with the author.
When the paper is published, each corresponding author is entitled to getting one print copy free-of-charge. The authors should be clear that they will not get any payment on the publication of their paper. Neither does the Journal charge fee for publishing the paper.
The paper should be sent online as a standard attached file in MS Word. Attached email file should be named with your family name and initials and the date (do not use period or blank space). The date is when you email the manuscript and should be in ddmmyy format (example: ParajuliMN240112).
In case there are figures, charts, photos, paints, etc., they should be embedded with the text. The JER encourages authors to also send them as separate files, so that their quality may be retained. While doing so, name these files the same as your manuscript file but add ‘attach1’, ‘attach2’, etc. (example: ParajuliMN240112attach1).
Final decisions on the acceptance of the manuscript will be communicated to authors by email.
Page Layout and Design
Manuscripts should be submitted in the following format:
Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (including titles and headings)
Line space: Double
Page margin: one-inch on all sides
Text alignment: left
Paragraphs: indent each paragraph (half-inch); no extra space in between paragraphs
The manuscript should be sent in two files: one with metadata (containing the title page and abstract page) and the other main paper (beginning with the introduction, without the title of the paper and author information).
The title page includes (in the order of): running head (also included on all other pages, flush left) and page number (flush right), title and subtitle of the paper (title case, bold, centred), and author information (each author's name, affiliation, email, ORCiD), submission date.
Author information [in standard (i.e., nonbold, nonitalic) font]: Place author information on a new line (two lines below the title) in the order of your name [first name, middle initial(s), surname]; affiliated institution (department or division, name of the institution), town/city and country; your email address on a new line; and your ORCiD Number on a new line.
For names with suffixes, separate the suffix from the rest of the name with a space, not a comma (e.g., David S. Oladejo Jr.).
Maximum two affiliations are allowed; however, include two affiliations only if two institutions contributed substantial support to the study.
In case there are multiple authors, repeat the author information as mentioned in 8 above, with a gap of a line after the first author information.
Add an asterisk (*) after the name of the corresponding author. Generally, the lead author is the corresponding author, but it is not necessary.
At the end of the title page, type the date you email your paper.
The second page is the ‘Abstract’ page. Type Abstract (bold, centred), and on the next line begin the abstract text (without indentation). The abstract should be of about 200 words.
One line below the abstract, write the label “Keywords:” (bold), followed by three to five keywords (standard font) in lowercase (but capitalize necessary words like proper nouns), separated by commas.
The main content of the paper should be in a separate file. This is the content file of your manuscript which should exclusively contain the main text of the paper (do not repeat the title), with endnotes (if any), acknowledgements (if any), references, and appendices (if any).
Tables should where possible be created simply using MS Word Table function. All tables and figures must be numbered and set flush left. In a new line give the title of the table/figure (heading style capitalization, italic). If necessary give Table/Figure notes immediately below the table/figure. Contents within the tables are to be single-spaced. Font size can range from 8 to 14 pt in figures.
For emphasis, please use italics, not bold. Italics should also be used for non-English words, titles of books, plays, etc.
Quotations less than 40 words are included within the paragraph enclosed by double-quotes. Quotations more than 40 words are to be separated from the paragraph, and the whole block is indented half-inch. Do not use double quotation marks to enclose the block quotation. The JER encourages authors to try to avoid the block quotations.
Use no more than three levels of displayed headings (Follow the APA 7th ed.).
Level 1: Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading
Level 2: Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading
Level 3: Flush Left, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading
Request a template (if you need) ( for formatting your manuscript
In-Text Citations
The simple practice of in-text citation follows the author/date format. To cite a specific part of a source, indicate the page, chapter, figure, table, or equation at the appropriate point in text. Always give page numbers for quotations. Example: Gnawali (2008) says, “In the teaching profession, the pedagogic knowledge and skills a trainee teacher gets at the training college are not sufficient for his life long career” (p. 219). When you paraphrase or summarise, the page number is not necessary. Example: It has also been noted that the knowledge and skills teachers acquire during their college days are not enough for their future career (Gnawali, 2008). The general rules of in-text citations are as follows:
1 author (Lawoti, 2005) (Lawoti, 2005, p. 25)
2 authors (Gautam & Basnet, 2004, pp. 24-48)
3 or more authors (Gautam et al., 2003)
No author (Shortened Title, 2000) when it refers to a book; ("Shortened Title", 2000) when it refers to a paper or book chapter
Organization as author (Kathmandu University [KU], 2004) Next cite: (KU, 2004)
In Press (Subedi, in press)
Personal communication (These are not included in References) (S. Upretee, personal communication, July 4, 2012)
Two authors with the same last name (Sharma, T. N., 1999) (Sharma, A., 2008)
Multiple works by the same author, same year (Luitel, 2010a) (Luitel, 2010b)
Multiple works by the same author, same citation (Luitel, 2010, 2012)
The JER does not allow footer based content footnotes on the main page of the article. It does allow content footnotes but places them as 'Notes' below the end of the main text (before 'References'). Authors should number all notes consecutively in the order in which their callouts appear in the text with superscript Arabic numerals.
Disclosures and Acknowledgements
Authors should disclose activities and relationships that might be viewed as potential conflicts of interests. Even if there exists no known conflict of interest, authors should state it explicitly.
On a new line, please acknowledge any support from individuals or agencies while undertaking and finalising the study and the paper. You do not need to thank the editors and anonymous reviewers.
'References' is the listing of all citations made in the text of the paper. At the end of your main text, on a new page, type ‘References’, centred, and list all citations in alphabetical order. No materials should be included in the list that are not cited in the text.
A book with a single author
Acharya, M. R. (2002). Nepal culture shift!: Reinventing culture in the Himalayan kingdom. Adroit Publishers.
A book with two or more authors
Bongartz, H., & Dahal, D. R. (1996). Development studies: Self-help organizations, NGOs and civil society. Nepal Foundation for Advanced Studies.
An edited book
Bhattachan, K. B., & Mishra, C. (Eds.). (1997). Developmental practices in Nepal. Central Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tribhuvan University.
A single chapter/paper in an edited book
Dahal, K. R., & Paudyal, B. R. (1998). Legal perspective of decentralization in Nepal. In G. B. Thapa (Ed.), Promoting participatory democracy in Nepal: An assessment of local self-government (pp. 43-57). Political Science Association of Nepal.
Corporate author (also the publisher)
Government of Nepal. (2015). The constitution of Nepal.
An article from a print journal or magazine
Koirala-Azad, S. (2008). Unravelling our realities: Nepali students as researchers and activists. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 28(3), 251-263.
An article from an online source
Onta, P. (2000). Nepal education: Finding a ray of hope.
An unpublished thesis/dissertation
Gnawali, L. (2001). Investigating teacher practices: A proposal for teacher development of the secondary school teachers of English in Nepal (Unpublished Master’s dissertation). University of Exeter.
Dissertation/thesis published online
Manion, C. (2011). Girls’ education as a means or end of development? A case study of gender and education policy knowledge and action in the Gambia [Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto].
Non-English book
Gautam, B., Adhikari, J., & Basnet, P. (Eds.). (2004). Nepalma garibiko bahas [Poverty debates in Nepal]. Martin Chautari.
Translated book
Bourdieu, P., & Passeron, J. C. (1990). Reproduction in education, society and culture (2nd ed., R. Nice, Trans.). Sage. (Original work published 1970)
Prashrit, M. N. (2002, July 12). Bhanubhaktako sirjana ra rashtriya ekikaran [The creation of Bhanubhakta and national unification]. Kantipur, p. 5.
Dhakal, R. K. (2016). Responsible practice of research: Safeguarding research integrity and publication ethics [Editorial]. Journal of Education and Research, 6(2), 1-11.
The references should always include the digital object identifier (DOI), when possible. The DOI-reference should be accessible by clicking at the URL. If you are not sure about the DOI-code of a reference you may search for it here (title or author name):
Online First
The article will be published online ahead of print after receipt of the corrected proofs. This is the official first publication citable with the Digital Object Identifier(DOI). After the release of the printed version, the paper can also be cited by page numbers.
We publish the articles only after the corresponding author ensures that the accepted (and revised) manuscript has been copyedited and proofread thoroughly. After online publication, further changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, a separate document which will be hyperlinked to the article.
Anti-Plagiarism Policy
Please note that the JERuses Crossref Similarity Check software to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to the JER you are agreeing to any necessary originality or plagiarism checks your paper may have to undergo during the peer review and production processes. In case of a duplicate submission, fabricated data, breach of participants' confidentiality, improper award or denial of authorship, and plagiarised texts, we warn the author(s) for misconduct and may allow rework. But if so is found in the resubmission, we will consider that deliberate and thus bar the author for submitting any (including original) article to the JER for three years.
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the articles even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.
PhD Thesis Abstract
With an objective of providing a platform for early-career research scholars from across the globe to introduce their high-quality educational research to the global community, the JER has introduced 'PhD Thesis Abstract' column.
The JER accepts PhD thesis abstracts that have direct relevance to educational policy and practice. Abstracts that bring in localized analysis or comparative perspectives are welcome. The JER also welcomes abstracts that perceive education with an integrative perspective bringing in local, national, regional as well as global contexts.
The JER accepts all kinds of submissions on a rolling basis, meaning it does not have a deadline. However, it accepts only one (or two) completed PhD thesis abstracts per issue. Therefore, early submitters will have higher chances to get space in the stipulated issue. When the abstract(s) for an issue has(have) been accepted, the editorial board will announce that the required number of abstract(s) for the upcoming issue has been accepted and thus further submissions will be considered for the subsequent issue.
Read the guidelines to prepare your abstract to be considered for publication in the JER.
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3.2 why we collect the data
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3.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed
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4.5 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed
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