Journal of Education and Research

Understanding the Dynamics of School Culture: Narratives From English Language Teachers
Surendra Prasad Bhatt 1 * , Hiralal Kapar 1
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1 Kathmandu University School of Education, Lalitpur, Nepal* Corresponding Author
Original Article

Journal of Education and Research, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2023, 55-79,

Publication date: Sep 25, 2023

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In-text citation: (Bhatt & Kapar, 2023)
Reference: Bhatt, S. P., & Kapar, H. (2023). Understanding the Dynamics of School Culture: Narratives From English Language Teachers. Journal of Education and Research, 13(2), 55-79.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Bhatt SP, Kapar H. Understanding the Dynamics of School Culture: Narratives From English Language Teachers. Journal of Education and Research. 2023;13(2):55-79.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Bhatt SP, Kapar H. Understanding the Dynamics of School Culture: Narratives From English Language Teachers. Journal of Education and Research. 2023;13(2), 55-79.
In-text citation: (Bhatt and Kapar, 2023)
Reference: Bhatt, Surendra Prasad, and Hiralal Kapar. "Understanding the Dynamics of School Culture: Narratives From English Language Teachers". Journal of Education and Research 2023 13 no. 2 (2023): 55-79.
In-text citation: (Bhatt and Kapar, 2023)
Reference: Bhatt, S. P., and Kapar, H. (2023). Understanding the Dynamics of School Culture: Narratives From English Language Teachers. Journal of Education and Research, 13(2), pp. 55-79.
In-text citation: (Bhatt and Kapar, 2023)
Reference: Bhatt, Surendra Prasad et al. "Understanding the Dynamics of School Culture: Narratives From English Language Teachers". Journal of Education and Research, vol. 13, no. 2, 2023, pp. 55-79.
This study explores the perceptions of Nepalese English language teachers regarding the impact of school culture on their professional commitment. Interviews were conducted with three English language teachers at secondary-level schools in the Kathmandu Valley to explore their views and experiences. The findings indicate that school culture plays a significant role in shaping teachers' professional identities and behaviors. Teachers perceive the school as a language lab, providing opportunities to improve and modify their teaching practices. Additionally, school culture is seen as a system of norms, beliefs, and rules that govern behavior within the social, cultural, and religious context. The study reveals that a positive school culture, characterized by healthy relationships and supportive leadership, enhances teachers' commitment and performance. Equally, domination and discouragement from school leaders lead to reduced commitment and potential burnout. Teachers highlight the importance of a familial environment within the school, fostering a strong sense of dedication and confidence. However, the lack of emphasis on professional development due to the unintellectual ideologies of school owners and leaders results in teacher disappointment. The study emphasizes the need for mutual understanding, supportive attitudes, cooperative behavior, and a culture of continuous learning among school staff. Overall, this research underscores the vital role of school culture in influencing the professional commitment and wellbeing of English language teachers in Nepal. The findings offer valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and school leaders seeking to create an environment conducive to teachers' growth and development.