Journal of Education and Research

Pedagogical Approaches in Technical Education: A Case Study of a Hotel Management College in Kathmandu
Richan Shrestha 1 *
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1 School of Education, Kathmandu University, Lalitpur, Nepal* Corresponding Author
Original Article

Journal of Education and Research, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2024, 10-27,

Publication date: Mar 27, 2024

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In-text citation: (Shrestha, 2024)
Reference: Shrestha, R. (2024). Pedagogical Approaches in Technical Education: A Case Study of a Hotel Management College in Kathmandu. Journal of Education and Research, 14(1), 10-27.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Shrestha R. Pedagogical Approaches in Technical Education: A Case Study of a Hotel Management College in Kathmandu. Journal of Education and Research. 2024;14(1):10-27.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Shrestha R. Pedagogical Approaches in Technical Education: A Case Study of a Hotel Management College in Kathmandu. Journal of Education and Research. 2024;14(1), 10-27.
In-text citation: (Shrestha, 2024)
Reference: Shrestha, Richan. "Pedagogical Approaches in Technical Education: A Case Study of a Hotel Management College in Kathmandu". Journal of Education and Research 2024 14 no. 1 (2024): 10-27.
In-text citation: (Shrestha, 2024)
Reference: Shrestha, R. (2024). Pedagogical Approaches in Technical Education: A Case Study of a Hotel Management College in Kathmandu. Journal of Education and Research, 14(1), pp. 10-27.
In-text citation: (Shrestha, 2024)
Reference: Shrestha, Richan "Pedagogical Approaches in Technical Education: A Case Study of a Hotel Management College in Kathmandu". Journal of Education and Research, vol. 14, no. 1, 2024, pp. 10-27.
The quality of technical and vocational education can be assessed from various facets such as teachers, financial resources, infrastructure, teaching methods, curriculum, and evaluation methods. Pedagogy is a crucial determinant of quality technical and vocational education. Hotel management is one such course in Nepal, yet few studies have focused on its teaching methods and the factors influencing these methods. This study aims to explore the pedagogical approaches of faculties in a hotel management college in Kathmandu. Utilizing a case study approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three teachers, guided by the theory of reasoned action to understand how their beliefs, attitudes, and intentions influenced their teaching methods. Findings reveal that teachers primarily use PowerPoint presentations and provide notes to prepare students for exams. Practical labs are incorporated as required by the course. Teachers' methods are influenced by their own teachers, college management, colleagues, and exam deadlines. The study concludes that innovative, work-based learning enhances student learning in technical education, highlighting the need for pedagogical approaches distinct from general education.
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